Webinar: Launching A Shared Vision for PA Communities - Voting Rights and the Environment

08/15/2022 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM ET


Join us to hear from experts in the intersection of democracy and the environment about how these issues are linked and learn why protecting voting access is crucial to protecting our environment and ensuring a just society.


How are a healthy environment and a healthy democracy connected? Join us virtually to find out! Our speakers will be discussing the intersection between our right to vote and our right to access clean water, air, and open spaces, and how strengthening one, strengthens the other. This discussion also marks the launch of “A Shared Vision for Pennsylvania’s Environment and Communities” – a tool developed by 30 environmental organizations from across Pennsylvania to educate and guide candidates for office this year – and future elected officials – on the important environmental issues facing Pennsylvania. Join us for this important discussion and to learn more about this Shared Vision!


This program is free and open to all who RSVP for the webinar registration. You can register directly here.

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